Accurate Pest Control Services LLC LOGO-1-PhotoRoom.png-PhotoRoom


There are many varieties of pest filth flies species. They can rapidly breed in their thousands in numerous environments and unsanitary conditions. Due to their dirty habits and the filth they breed in, flies can spread germs and threaten people’s health, businesses, and reputation. Using an effective Fly Killer is essential in controlling these pests and maintaining a clean environment. With the right Fly Killer, businesses can prevent flies from infesting and spreading harmful bacteria. Incorporating a reliable Fly Killer in high-risk areas is a practical solution, ensuring that Fly Killer methods address health risks proactively.



Accurate Pest Control has a range of services and products to help control flies in your home or business. Our technicians are fully trained to locate the source of the issue, identify the species, the causes, breeding areas and entry points, give you the right advice and treat accordingly.